What Happens Next?
  1. Contact
    Pet Coordinator
  2. Itinerary
    We will have a set of travel time
  3. Schedule a pickup
    24hours Before Departure
  4. Boarding Arranged
    In-Home private room
  5. Airport Delivery
    Pet-friendly Vehicle
Before Depature
  1. Temperature policy
    45 & 85 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. IATA Kennel
    Enough Space to Stand and turn
  3. Vet Visit
    USDA Health Certificate
  4. Airline Confirmation
    Airway bill (AWB) for your travel
  5. Departure
    3 Hours Prior
After Arrival
  1. Pickup
    Available 1-2 Hours
  2. ID's
    Valid Government-issued ID
  3. Documents
    Copy of AWB
  4. Inspection
    Kennel is intact
  5. Home Sweet Home
    Happy Pets